Rotterdam Junction

Rotterdam Junction USPS is located at 1206 MAIN ST in Rotterdam Junction New York.
Mobile and traditional directions to this location can be found below along with ratings, lobby and retail hours, their contact phone number, latest mail collection times, USPS postal services they have available, and more.

Rotterdam Junction Directions
Rotterdam Junction ()
1206 MAIN ST
Rotterdam Junction, NY 12150
Get mobile directions from your current location:
or enter a starting address:

Toll-free Phone Number: 1-800-ASK-USPSĀ® (800-275-8777)
Area Map

USPS Tracking Number Lookup

Enter your tracking number below to see where your package currently is on its trip :)

Rotterdam Junction USPS Retail / Window Hours
The following are the retail/window hours for Rotterdam Junction.

This is, essentially, the time that you can directly pay for services at a window/service counter; be it paying for postage, getting a PO Box, stamps, those sorts of things.
08:00:00 AM to
03:00:00 PM
08:00:00 AM to
03:00:00 PM
08:00:00 AM to
03:00:00 PM
08:00:00 AM to
03:00:00 PM

08:00:00 AM to
03:00:00 PM
09:00:00 AM to
12:00:00 PM
Not Listed
Rotterdam Junction Lobby Hours
The following are the lobby hours for Rotterdam Junction

These are the hours that the doors are open. That does not mean that you can always get service during these times. Many locations are open 24 hours to allow drop offs in slots and access to PO boxes etc.
07:00:00 AM to
07:00:00 PM
07:00:00 AM to
07:00:00 PM
07:00:00 AM to
07:00:00 PM
07:00:00 AM to
07:00:00 PM

07:00:00 AM to
07:00:00 PM
07:00:00 AM to
12:30:00 PM
Not Listed
Rotterdam Junction Facility Hours
The following are the facility hours for Rotterdam Junction.

These are the hours that someone should at least be at the Post office. That does not mean that all services are available during these times, but that there is a good chance someone can answer your call or possibly help you with something.
For most people, the retail hours and lobby hours, when available, are the most important.
07:45:00 AM to
03:15:00 PM
07:45:00 AM to
03:15:00 PM
07:45:00 AM to
03:15:00 PM
07:45:00 AM to
03:15:00 PM

07:45:00 AM to
03:15:00 PM
07:30:00 AM to
12:30:00 PM
Not Listed
USPS Services Available at the Rotterdam Junction Facility
Business Reply Mail Account Balance
New Business Reply Mail Account Services
Accepts Bulk Mail
Check Bulk Mail Balance
New Bulk Mail Account Services
Call Referral
Carrier Services
Duck Stamps Available
General Delivery
Global Express Guaranteed
Money Order Inquiries
Money Orders (Domestic)
Money Orders (International)
Officially Licensed Retail Products Available
Pickup Accountable Mail
Mail Holds
Pickup Notices for Left Mail
Priority Mail International
Ready Post
Stop Mail Requests
Rotterdam Junction USPS Last Mail Collection Times
The following are the last or latest collection times for for Rotterdam Junction

This is simply how late you can drop off your mail and have it processed for that day. Otherwise it will be mailed the following day the post office is open.
04:45:00 PM
04:45:00 PM
04:45:00 PM
04:45:00 PM

04:45:00 PM
12:00:00 PM
Not Listed

Rotterdam Junction Reviews & Additional Information

If you need to file a complaint with USPS or the Federal Government, use this link: Complaint Information

Rotterdam Junction Reviews and Ratings
Average Customer Rating

0 out of 5 stars from reviews.

Average Customer Star Rating
1379960-Rotterdam Junction


We currently have no ratings or reviews for this Post Office location. If you have used their mail and other postal services in the past please consider leaving a review or rating for future vistors to this page - it is very much appreciated!

Additional USPS Locations in Rotterdam Junction
The following Post Offices and USPS locations are also located in Rotterdam Junction
1206 MAIN ST